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Remote Work: Pvotal’s Blueprint for Building Next-Gen Technology

Debates about the working model

Debates rage over the best working model for businesses. Does working together in one location produce the best work in tech; or is it hybrid models as a strong middle-path between work from home and working from the office?

At Pvotal, we have always believed in an entirely different paradigm. We follow a 100% remote work model. Our people are located around the world - in the US, in Europe and in Asia. We work across time-zones, and across cultures. The thing we share in common is a deep love for building next-gen tech and doing it in a way that enables us to love our work. Which is also why we implemented a 4-day work week, to give our team the time to pursue their passions outside of work.

Our decision to remote-work is a direct offshoot of our philosophy - we believe that the strength of an organization is a function of the quality of people. When we open our minds and policies to people from around the world with remote working, we find incredibly talented individuals, who bring in different thoughts and ideas and approaches to solving big problems. The strength of this approach is apparent in the unique technologies we have built and the client experience we provide.

Few important ways

Operationalizing an effective remote working model has been integral to the work I do as the CIO of Pvotal. Here are a few important ways to get it right:

  • Make visibility a priority: Visibility is core to our team collaboration and operations. We have transparent workflows from code generation to communication - we empower our team to work together and eliminate silos. Our team uses a range of tools and processes for seamless communication and continuous access to vital information, enabling them to achieve daily victories whether they're working online or offline.
  • Let everyone see and understand the Big Picture: We prioritize gaining a comprehensive understanding of any project before mobilizing the team. This ensures that everyone involved has equal opportunity to see and understand the big picture, before doubling-down on the specific parts they are responsible for. It gets people really involved with the overall goals and success. It encourages cross-team critical thinking. The best part is that it makes our teams pull together to deliver for each other.
  • Hire people you can truly trust: We trust our people. This starts from the hiring process itself. In going after global talent, we focus on motivated individuals who want autonomy, who are excited to experiment and think of challenges as ways to grow. When they come on board, we can trust them to work in sync and async as the work may demand, because they want to make an impact - and that’s how we can keep supervision low.
  • Create Real Meaningful Opportunities for High Achievers: We believe in inclusive growth, where every high achiever is given the chance to elevate their career and personal brand. We offer our people a range of opportunities, including training, mentorship, speaking engagements, and travel experiences, to accelerate their growth and make their mark on the world.
  • Don’t forget to celebrate the wins: It is crucial to take time to acknowledge and celebrate the successes and achievements along the way. Whether it is giving shoutouts or meeting together at a global destination - we come together to celebrate who we are and what we do!

At Pvotal, we're not just a team of remote workers. We're a family of digital nomads, united by our shared passion for innovation and excellence. We work hard, we play hard, and we always celebrate our successes together.